R Users Conference 2023 in Barcelona


Last week, I attended the Spain R users conference at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, where I joined researchers and data practitioners to celebrate our passion for the statistical software R.

I was also delighted to present my research on the impact of the Iberian exception mechanismĀ on prices. You can tinker with the interactive presentation I used below:

Unlike other conferences where I presented my work, this one featured audiences from various backgrounds, for which I had to make sure my explanation was accessible to all.

Two people standing side by side, as one of them hold a diploma.

My goal was to give an intuitive explanation of how causal inference allows us to measure the effectiveness of public policy interventions without having to set up an experiment. I used this opportunity to include graphics made with D3.js, whose transitions are great for storytelling with data.

I am still shocked that, among dozens of outstanding speakers, my talk was shortlisted as one of the best presentations at the conference. I am grateful to the Comunidad R Hispano and the School of Communication at the UPF for putting together a program full of enriching talks, workshops and keynote speakers. See you next year in Sevilla!